Tuesday, April 15, 2008


In the early 90's I learned how to play this simple game with dice called 10,000's. It's a fun game and several people can play at once. It moves fairly quickly also.

Sunday night we went over to some friends (The Kwiatkowski's) for a meal and to play the game. Brooklyn loves to play with Ben and Andy (they have some pretty cool electronic toys!) so we went over about 3:15 and hung out for a while. Jan cooked a scrumptious dinner and then we played 10,000's.

After Jan won an all-adult game we brought the kiddos in and taught them how to play. Brooklyn did something I've never seen done before. She rolled 3000 points in 2 rolls. It was utterly amazing (and you would have thought that she had found gold). Yes, she won that game because none of us could catch her. I guess it was beginner's luck!
Now that I've read the rules on Wikipedia I find that I've been playing differently than the rules say as far as scoring. The last time we played I rolled 6 ones and I should have automatically won. Oh well, we can add the point system changes now that we know about them.

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