Sunday, June 8, 2008


So many of you know that Mike has been very sick, and was in the hospital for four days. Thanks for all your prayers. He is back at work and doing much better.

During this time I was trying to help Brooklyn start a new camp, take care of my husband, work, etc. I called on my girlfriends to help me. To pray for me. To give me advice. To be there if I needed them. One of them wrote to me via email and said, "Your sisters have your back." I only have half-sisters as biological sisters. I have never met Reca. Cindy lives in Tennessee with Reca. I didn't even know about them until I was in my early 20's. Needless to say we aren't very close.

Having sisters that have my back means so much to me. I didn't have sisters growing up (or brothers either). It was just me.

Thank you Jan, Stephanie, Denise, LaRue, Annette, Angela, Melissa, Kim, Mary, Glenda, Sharon, Robin, Dawn, Stephanie, Carol, Danelle, Doris, Kate, Tracy, Netty, Donna & Bettina. You "guys" are awesome. Thanks for the meal, the emails, the phone calls, the time, and the advice. I pray that you receive the same when you have a need.

Proverbs 11:14 - Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances.

This verse really stuck out to me this week. I saw it on Mark Beeson's blog and I thought wow, what a week. Thankfully I had much wise counsel surrounding me.


Kimberlymac said...

Ditto To Tina's Words! Sisters are awesome! God is so good! One thing I know without a doubt is that the heart of a "true sister" is always God-filled! So, when a sister stands by you through the seasons of life, you have made a divine appointment destined by God. It is so special, the relationships we can have with one another because of Jesus. I have many "true sisters" that are closer than any of my biological sisters. One I haven't seen for 10 years, she lives in California, yet she is always there for me. She stands with me in my all in all! The seasons of life are totally subject to change, but a "true sister" stays the same: committed heart to heart by and through the love of Jesus Christ. There is no greater treasure than a "true sister"! Thank You Lord God for my Sisters In Christ!

LaRue Neilson said...

I am amazed at how often we as sisters neglect our need for time together as friends. So often we let the needs of others overtake our own. I am thankful to those girlfriends who have over the years taken the time to reach out to me and care for my needs sometimes even more so than for their own. Tina, thank you for your friendship!! It's is God's hands to a hurting world.

Kimberlymac said...

I think what is so cool about Tina is that she is a friend of God... first! Out of that friendship with God, she pours out so much unconditional love, she chooses to give and give sacrifically. I know, I watched her for many months just give and give and give.... and I saw God use her because she was so willing to be used by Him... if Tina is your friend... You are blessed indeed!

Stephanie Harris said...

Tina... I know I have told you the story of when I was little and my mother was very sick. She had one friend that held her head while she was ill. My mother always told me that she was a special friend...A friend that could see you at your worst and love you as much as she did when you were at your best.
I have had "friends" that would not have been there for me when I was at my worst, because their only interest was when I was at my best. Then, I have had "friends" that when I was at my best resented my victory.
It is so nice to know I have a friend in YOU...a friend that would not only love me at my worst, but rejoice with me at my best. Yet, the best part is that you allow me to do the same for you! I hope to always hold up my end! Love ya, "Tinta"

Tina Harkey said...

You guys are great. Thanks for all the kind words. I wasn't fishing for compliments, just making an observation and showing gratitude. I ran across this quote again today: Never doubt that a community of thoughtful, committed women, filled with the power and love of God, using gifts they have identified and developed, and pursuing passions planted in them by God - never doubt that these women can change the world! (Lynne Hybels version of Margaret Mead's quote)