Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fine Line

Brooklyn's school requires parents come for a three way conference (Parent, child, teacher) in order for the child to receive their report card. They get graded not only on Math, Reading, etc., but Math quizzes, Math notebook, Math Homework, Problem Solving, Science Notebook, Science Quizzes, etc.

My quandary is when you have a child doing eighth grade problem solving do you get wigged out because they aren't doing their math homework. Or they have an A in Math Quizzes do you get upset that they made a 17 and a 64 on math homework - because of hurrying. They obviously get how to do the work.

What about when in Math they set a goal to eat all their lunch. I had a hard time making that connection.

Being in a non-traditional environment she gets to do many more hands on projects. She spent a few days at the Outer Banks doing experiments and they have done other field trips that are off the hook. My fear is when she gets back to a traditional setting for high school she will have a hard time adjusting. Homework isn't counted as a separate grade.

Parenting, I thought would get easier; however, it isn't. I guess to prepare her for the future it is important that she learns if you can make a 100 in a class you should do everything to make that 100 (like go to Study Hall at 7:30 on Thursday mornings.)

But I guess I have to walk that fine line of positive reinforcement for working on 8th grade problems while encouraging doing her best work in all of it.

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