Tuesday, August 14, 2007

School is Starting

I've never had a summer fly by so quickly. Some parents have even told me their children are in denial that school starts this week.

As our children are making new friends, being assigned new teachers, some experiencing new schools and experiencing different environments let us all remember to pray for them. Better yet, if you are a parent pray with your child. Ask God to let them make friends that don't know Jesus that they can invite to church. Ask God to let them be an example to teachers that haven't asked Jesus into their heart. And ask God to be with them as they are at school and keep them safe.

If you are sending your little one off to school for the first time this year I pray that your child has a great experience. And if they are headed to Middle School or High School that their combination works on their locker and they don't get lost trying to find the lunchroom (I got lost on my first day of high school).

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