Monday, August 27, 2007

Student Impact

Last year our youth group implemented Student Impact. I'm so excited because I now get to partner with our Youth Pastor to seek out teenagers that can be directed to help with our children's small groups on Sunday morning. They are nominated, sent a letter, interviewed, trained in Safe Sanctuary and then placed in serving positions for the school year. They are placed with adults that can model a lifelong commitment to serve. After serving for a few weeks I will follow up with them to see if they like where they are serving to make sure it is a good fit and I will follow up with the person they are serving with to make sure it is also a good fit for them.

Some of the first members of Student Impact were students already serving in the Children's Ministry (Andrew Longcoy, Nick Harris, Emma Longcoy and Alex Crook). Tristan Harris will be joining those ranks this fall. Nick & Tristan have both been serving with their mom (Stephanie Harris) in the 2/3's for the past year. It is great seeing a mom teach her children how to serve.

The challenge is balancing adults with teens. I don't ever want our adults to think the teens should be leading the children's ministry. Teens don't have life experience, teens don't have emotional stability all the time and teens don't usually have the moderating skills that adults have. What teens bring to the table is they are role models showing children that they can make it through their teen years and have Christ in their lives.

We are strategic in nominating students. This is not a club for students wishing to dodge morning worship. Students are only nominated if they regularly attend either worship or youth. They must demonstrate a sincere love for Christ and must have a positive attitude. Students must also have a serving attitude.

It amazes me how children look up to older student role models. My daughter is almost ten and she can pick out the summer camp counselors cars in the parking lot at church and cheers when she knows she is going to see them (thank you David, Lauren, Matt, Will, Emily, and Michelle for showing the love of Jesus to my little girl) and Ms. Amy (summer camp director) is the bomb in Brooklyn's eyes.

When you see a teen wearing the black Student Impact t-shirt thank them for serving. Thank them for making a difference in someones life. Who knows that someone might be your child!

1 comment:

Sherrye said...

Great idea, Tina. Does the nursery qualify for one of your amazing teens?