Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Underground 4th Sunday of the Month

So the fourth Sunday of the month is a little different at the Underground Church. I really didn't know that going in and was caught off guard.

Announcements are always funny. It shows some of the humor of the church and it's really nice.

Jenny did a great job with the music this morning. They need a keyboard player to help out. I don't know who out there reading this blog that might know one who might be interested, but just a bug in (coughcoughTim'scoughcough) the ear of anyone who might have some talent.

Then Pastor Kevin got up in front and started with questions that people have posed and answered them using scripture. One of them is a discussion that has been going on in virtual church (Facebook) about Does God Change His Mind. The other question was about prophecy. I was amazed at how many in the congregation had experience prophecy and were willing to share the experience. I was also challenged by this way of doing church.

To not have an agenda, to take responses from the crowd, to allow the church to think was really like being in a living room with close friends discussing politics, but it wasn't uncomfortable. It seems more real and genuine than any place I have ever worshipped. I really enjoy going there.

I think I will look forward to 4th Sundays.

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