Sunday, May 4, 2008


Wow, I think this morning I attended the best service I ever have. I started with funny announcements (Kevin got beat by a girl in a poker game!) then was ushered in with a great worship set. Jenny does a great job of changing up the songs.

One of the babies was dedicated. I think I know the parents names, but I'm not sure so I won't post on it, but these are the sweetest dedications. I cried and I don't really even know the family.

But the topic this morning and the sermon were thought provoking. Forgiveness. How many times do we forgive? How do we forgive that deep wound? He used the Nooma video by Rob Bell "Luggage" to bring home the point at the end. I think there were many people dealing with this subject and there were many tears. I hope that some people did experience breakthroughs this morning.

I always wonder what about the person that hurts you and hurts you and hurts you. That was even part of the video. Does the abused woman (I'm not referring to myself here) continue to suffer the abuse? Does the child whose parent beats them just continue to forgive without reaching out for help? It was addressed by setting boundaries and those boundaries sometimes mean you won't be around that person. You can forgive them, not dwell on what happened, but that doesn't mean you have to spend time with them or set yourself up for more abuse.

I have some forgiveness to deal with. I'm looking forward to forgiving and moving on.

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