Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bare Naked Ladies

Tonight, the Bare Naked Ladies meet. It's a group of women from the Underground that meet in a small group and talk about what is going on. This month our assignment is to bring 3 words that describe ourselves positively and one that is negative.

Now, I have some self-esteem. That has never been an issue for me, so I have my three positive words. Ambitious, organized, and hospitable. I think those are my positive words.

The negative word; however, is a little overwhelming. I've been facing a health issue. After I find out what it is I'll share about it on here, but until then I'm keeping it under wraps. Do I bare my soul and share that with this group of women that I am just getting to know? Do I keep it to myself and share something else that is negative? Where is that line where you make the decision to share or not to share? Do you trust this new circle to keep your secret? For that matter should you call all your friends and share? Do you just lay low and be still and know that He is God?

I'm not sure. Maybe my negative should just be unhealthy and leave it at that. You can look at me and tell that word is correct.

I guess when I get there tonight I will decide. For now, I'm thinking I'll keep it to myself.

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