Tuesday, January 22, 2008

New Years Update

Well, I haven't kept up with the reading the whole Bible. I got lost one weekend and haven't caught up, but I'm enjoying reading about Abraham. His journey intrigues me. I used that as the basis for the summer camp lesson with the kids at Tekoa and every since I have thought about Abraham and the journey he went on. He pushed the envelope and tried to make things happen for him. Sarah pushed the envelope and Ishmael was born. But Abraham had God's blessing. And as a child of God, so do I. It's exciting to know that I am also on a journey. I might not have as many descendants as stars in the sky (Abraham does) or as the grains of sand (Abraham does) but as a child of God I can claim the same blessing received by my father, Abraham.

So, I joined the gym, bought tennis shoes, workout clothes and yes, I have been going. I've lost 7 lbs in 2 weeks. I'm excited.

Thanks for your prayers.

1 comment:

Sherrye said...

Congratulations on your exercise program!! Unfortunately, I've GAINED 7 lbs since Christmas.

Like you, I am behind in my daily readings, but hope to catch up. I am also going along with Claude's daily readings in Phillipians.