Thursday, January 3, 2008

Reading Through the Bible

Yesterday afternoon I began a journey to read through my bible in a year. I'm embarrased to say I don't think I've read the whole thing cover to cover. Now I did attend a pretty strick Christian School so I've read pretty much the whole Bible, just not with discipline or a plan and I skipped the begats. has a plan that I am going to follow as part of my spiritual journey this year. I'm excited about this as part of my journey to Follow the Star.

So last night when I was watching the Power of 10 with Drew Carey (did you know he was raised in a Pentecostal Church?) and the question was what percentage of Americans say they have read the Bible through cover to cover and the answer was 31% (see more information on those statistics by following the link) I was amazed. I really thought it would be less. But then it makes me sad that it wasn't greater.

So I want to raise that percentage. You can pick your version and it only takes a few minutes each day to do the reading. I hope you will add to that more study time to think about what the scriptures are saying. I challenge you to go on this journey with me. I think it will be a rewarding process. Reading about the star and the Wisemen (scholars) was part of the reading yesterday. It only fueled my passion to Follow the Star.

1 comment:

Sherrye said...

Sounds like a good plan. I, too, have trouble getting through the "begats". I'll have to look into this.